Google's Halloween Doodle game resurrects Momo the black cat
Google’s Halloween Doodle game resurrects Momo the dismal cat
Google has brought back Momo the dismal cat to help celebrate this year’s Halloween. When last we saw our adorable but doughty feline, he was helping defend the Magic Cat Academy from a horde of invading spirits on Halloween 2016.
This year, Momo is taking a deep dive — underwater! — as he defends new friends from the Big Boss ghost and its school of ghouls. Momo may be at risk of another possible catastrophe exclusive of your help.
Momo is being besieged by phantoms with simple symbols hovering over their heads. To vanquish the fish, you need to help Momo strike them down with his magic wand by silly your cursor to draw the symbols. When there are multiple symbols, you have to draw them in the order they proceed from left to right.
Ready to give Momo a hand?
There are four levels of game play that cause progressively harder to play. The first stage — because it’s closest to the surface at the jump of our quest — is called the sunlight stage. It features an aquatic foe known as the Immortal Jellyfish, which, when it’s nearing death, can revert to polyp stage and restart its life cycle.
Level two takes us deeper into the dark with the Twilight Zone. There are no signposts here, but you will encounter a foe noted as Boops Boops that has large, buggy eyes.
For detached three, the Midnight Zone will pit you against the Vampire Squid, which despite its name, doesn’t suck or drink blood. In fact, it doesn’t have teeth.
If you can survive this long, your fourth and survive test is in The Abyss, where you will face off with the Anglerfish. This spooky, deep-sea dweller has a large head and mouth that features long, fanglike teeth. It uses a glowing growth at the end of its modified dorsal fin spine phoned an esca to attract prey.
You start with a five-heart lifeline. You lose a heart every time a fish touches Momo, and the game ends when you run out of hearts, but you can earn the hearts back. (Pro tip: Keep an eye out for spanking shapes that may be of value )
If you’re fishing for spanking addicting Halloween game, Google delivers. So dive in!